Tour Operator e Agenzia Viaggi
P.I.03596780928 C.C.I.A.A. N 283395
Licenza Regione Sardegna N° 165 DEL 23/05/2016
Tour Operator e Agenzia Viaggi in Sardegna Lic. Reg. Sardegna N° 304
After a while, not far from the sea, the view appears in all its beauty, with the promontory of Capo Carbonara ,l'Isola dei Cavoli, scolgio Is Piscadeddus. Colors are brilliant, from the beaches of pure white or gray to pink granite, from deep green to blue Mediterranean cobalt and emerald green sea. The air, the intense perfume of myrtle, rosemary, the mastic tree, the broom, the smell of Sardinia.A Summer that last for long. Villasimius welcomes tourists with its savage grace, with the ancient history so different from the rest of Italy.
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